Traffic Shaping and Bandwidth Management For Novell NetWare

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TSE 3.2.0 Is Now Available!

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To receive the download, PLEASE supply all fields shaded pink.    I will e-mail you a link to download TSE 3.2.0, hence providing an accurate e-mail address is important.   If this form seems to be broken, or does not confirm that your request was sent, please e-mail us at the address provided and we will be glad to assist you.  While not necessary, I really appreciate it if you can take a few seconds to fill out the survey section - it helps me understand your needs and helps prioritize my development efforts. -- Thanks!


First Name
Last Name
E-Mail Address
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, Zip
Number Of NetWare Servers
Number Of Workstations
I Want To...
( Check Any That Apply )
Manage Internet Bandwidth
Manage LAN Bandwidth
Implement Download Quotas
Say Good-bye To Kazaa, Morpheus ...
Audit or Record Traffic
My NetWare Servers Use
( Check Any That Apply )
Fast Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet
Token Ring
ATM Interface
FDDI Interface
My NetWare Servers Use
( Check All That Apply )
NetWare 3.xx
NetWare 4.xx
NetWare 5.x
NetWare 6.x
Novell Open Enterprise Server
My NetWare Boxes Run As
{ Check All That Apply )
File And Print Servers
Web Servers
Database Servers
Border Manager Servers
eBusiness Servers
GroupWise Servers 

If you have any comments or questions, please enter them here.  If you could have someone create a utility or application for Novell environments, what problem or issue would it address?

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Last Modified 10-11-2004
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