![]() Traffic Shaping and Bandwidth Management For Novell NetWare
Bob Mahar Speaks - Too Often - And For No Reason Well, here it is, my personal pages. Its sort of like a blog, except without a stupid name like "blog." Gosh they are ugly pages! Check out the photo gallery and other stuff. Hope it was interesting. Of course feel free and drop me a line. To My Co-Workers At Muhlenberg College If you work for the College you are lucky to have a job, let alone
wasting the College's valiable time Googling your co-workers. You don't
see me Googling you do you? If you are looking for some really shocking
photograph of me, look on this page and you will find one. You'll
note I have had reconstructive surgery on my thumb since then. Its
amazing what they can do with a toe these days! Hello, First, thanks for taking the time to visit trafficshaper.com ! I really appreciate your interest and look forward to any feedback you may have, especially regarding features you would like to see in the product. I am a Network Manager for a 2700 node network -- so I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to see in a commercial product. However, like any developer, I am often too close to the bit twiddling to see some nifty application or necessary functionality that will make or break the program's usefulness. With your help I can focus in on the desirable features that will really make a difference in your environment. With Netware 5.x and 6.x and NDS / eDirectory evolving into potent platforms for conducting eBusiness, it is essential that tools exist to manage the power of these systems - I believe that the Trafficic Shaping Engine for Netware augment any Netware server - providing Network Managers with additional tools to make enterprise management easy. Every vendor talks about TCO, but Novell products deliver on the promise of more up time and functionality with less labor. My hopes for this project are the same: a highly stable, efficient, useful, and manageable tool to make your life a bit easier. Once again, thanks for your time. -- Robert Charles Mahar
Robert Mahar is currently the Network Manager for Muhlenberg College , a liberal arts college in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA. The College network, MuhlNet, consists of 3300 workstations connected by an Gigabit and Fast Ethernet backbone that supports academic and administrative computing applications and Internet access. Services are provided by Novell Netware 4.xx, 5.x and various Unix server platforms. While his current position at Muhlenberg does not require applications development expertise, Bob still maintains his proficiency in applications development as an avocation. Previous positions offered the opportunity to work on and eventually manage large scale development efforts, many focused on PC based network applications including financials and PC based Point of Sale. As the lead developer for TrafficShaper, his current development efforts are focused on network traffic management and bandwidth allocation.
Bob Mahar is a graduate of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, with a BS degree in Physics. He dual majored Physics and Mathematics with a minor in computer science. His senior thesis topic involved the use of PC based applications to plot the trajectories of charged particles in complex repulsive fields. The results were used as the basis for a classical model of nuclear decay, such as free neutron decay. Bob is currently living in the City of Allentown with his wife Judith, son RJ, daughter Abbi, and two cats, Shelby and Dreyfus. Judith once worked as a paralegal to a local attorney in nearby Bethlehem, PA . She is now a full time mom. Bob is an avid collector of antique scientific instruments and old books, some of which date back to the 16th Century. Bob is also omnivorously interested in the sciences. |
Last Modified 09-27-2005 |