GroupWise Skeleton Key saves the day  
GroupWise Skeleton Key ( GWSK ) 1.2

Available For Sale November 2006

Actual Photograph of GWSK
  • Surveillance, evidence discovery, or auditing of GroupWise mailboxes.
  • Secure remote inspection of GroupWise mail over any Internet connection.
  • Only $249, a tenth the price of GWAVA  or NEXIC snooping system.
  • License covers an unlimited number of mailboxes , one price covers it.
  • Works with 3rd party and open source IMAP tools for added flexibility.
  • Runs on any computer with an IMAP client + Java: PC, Unix, Mac, Linux.
  • Inexpensive solution for small businesses, a convenient tool for large.
  • Non invasive: nothing to install on your GroupWise server!
  • Unilaterally remove confidential mail sent to the wrong user.


The GroupWise Skeleton Key ( GWSK ) allows an authorized individual to access the contents of any mailbox in your GroupWise 6.5 or higher system.   It is the ideal tool for performing the sad and sorry task of snooping ( auditing, discovery, spying, whatever euphemism you choose to use ) in employee's mail under the direction of executive management.


The package consists of two pieces: GWSK Manager and GWSK Proxy.   The GWSK Manager is simple Windows GUI tool for GroupWise administrators to manage GroupWise Trusted Application Keys.   GWSK Manager allows you to create and delete these keys and creates encoded credentials used by GWSK Proxy.

GWSK Proxy a cross platform IMAP proxy written in Java.   It allows you to use the credentials created with GWSK Manager to access any user's mailbox on your GroupWise 6.5 system using an IMAP client like Thunderbird, Netscape Mail, etc.   GWSK Proxy can be run on any OS platform supporting JRE 1.3.1 or higher.   When your IMAP client connects to GWSK Proxy, the proxy authenticates with the GroupWise IMAP server using the using the special trusted application credentials.  And of course GWSKProxy supports IMAP via SSL connections to your GroupWise IMAP server - so you can safely use it from anywhere.

Diagram of GWSK talking to GroupWise
[ With GWSK, you never install software on your servers! ]

You use any IMAP client capable of handling null passwords.  We recommend the use of Mozilla Thunderbird or Netscape Mail.  So virtually any workstation with any OS can be used.   Since the GWSK Proxy provides an IMAP4rev1 connection, it works with a large number of 3rd party IMAP utilities, scripts, and so on including IMAPCopy for bulk duplication of user's mailboxes.

Minimum System Requirements
  • GroupWise 6.5 or 7.0, preferably patched, with IMAP access enabled for users's mailboxes to be examined.
  • Key Generation Station: Windows 2000 or XP workstation * with admin rights over the primary GroupWise domain. 
  • Mailbox Audit Station: Linux, Mac, Unix, or Windows * with Sun Java JRE 1.3.1 or higher, and an IMAP client
  • The IMAP client must support null passwords: Thunderbird, Netscape Mail, etc.     Eudora does not.
* Neither needs to be dedicated to this function.  The Windows 2000 / XP workstation is required only to set up a trusted application key.   This is done infrequently.   Once a key has been generated, it can be used from a Linux, Mac, Unix, Windows, etc. platform to review user's mailbox contents.   Both applications are relatively small and do not require additional disk space, RAM, or other resources

System Recommendations
  • Your GroupWise 6.5 system should be patched to GW 6.5 SP 2 or better.
  • You use GWSK Proxy with the free Mozilla Thunderbird E-Mail Client from a Windows workstation.
  • To use IMAP over SSL, please use Sun JRE 1.4.1 or higher to ensure a current version of JSSE is installed.
  • IMAP over SSL is recommended to ensure security when using GWSK over an internet connection
Since GWSK Proxy runs on any platform with a JRE, numerous other platform are supported.   However the IMAP clients on these platforms may provide more or less features.   To use SSL to connect to your GroupWise server, please use Sun JRE 1.4.1 or higher to ensure a current version of JSSE is included.   GWSK should operate with SSL properly under JRE 1.3.1 + JSSE 1.0.3 installed.   If using GWSK to inspect mail from a remote site, please configure GroupWise to accept IMAP over SSL connections and use the GWSK -ssl startup option.


No educational discount nor non-profit discount is available on this product as it has no legitimate use except in managing employee's mailboxes. GWSK is licensed per end-user site, where a site consists of all GroupWise systems operated by a particular end-user entity.   If used by a consultant, VAR, system integrator, or IT oursourcing agency, a separate and distinct license MUST be purchased for that customer's site.  

The GWSK costs $249 USD.   Purchase via our SW-REG store.


Q: What is the difference between GWSK and offerings from Nexic or GWAVA?
A: GWSK is a simple tool that does one thing well: examine a GroupWise mailbox without its password.   GWAVA and Nexic solutions do this and perform many other features.   They cost a lot more, and unless you really need these features you are wasting money.   Compare features carefully, and choose a package that fits your needs.

Q: I already have a Nexic or GWAVA solution, why would I buy yours too?
A: Even if you have a heavy weight tool in place, GWSK is still a good fit for many places.   GWSK is a lightweight solution, and does not require any software to be installed on the server.   It is the only cross platform solution: Mac, Linux, Windows.  GWSK is the only solution that can be securely used over the Internet, from a wireless internet connection in an airport, or even a public access workstation.
Q: In what ways, if any, is GWSK "better" than these other products?
A: Well, GWSK doesn't do a lot of the things these other products do, so its not a fair comparison.  GWSK does not require any invasive software to be installed on your GroupWise server.   There are no NLM's, agents, or other things that might destabilize your GroupWise system.   GWSK uses your existing GroupWise system's IMAP capabilities, and you use a standard IMAP e-mail client.    

Q: I already have [ a different product, ] but my CIO wants the ability to inspect someone's mail from home, or on the road.   How does GWSK help?  Can they coexist?  
A: A CIO, IT Director, or similar technical executive will need to respond to "emergency" requests from executive management.   Even if you have a robust compliance and audit system in place, it is normally not accessible remotely, or might not run on the systems available: e.g. a Mac.   GWSK provides this services from any platform, and from any location.   GWSK can be used even if you already have another Trusted Application installed.   Since GWSK does not drop code on your servers, there is no potential for software conflicts.

Q: Does GWSK work with Groupwise 6.0 and prior?
A: No,  the Trusted Application feature of GroupWise was added in version 6.5.   GWSK will only work with a GroupWise 6.5 or 7.0 system.

Q: Will I need to do anything to GroupWise to use GWSK?
A: Yes, you will need to ensure the target e-mail account is accessible via IMAP.   You will need to have turned on IMAP access via at least one GWIA or on the user's POA.   This is a normal feature of GroupWise and does not constitute a "hack."

Q: How secure is GWSK?
A: The Trusted Application Key used by GWSK is a 64 byte key, generated by you, which must be presented in conjunction with an application name.   Neither of these can be inferred or derived by non privileged users, and the application key can only be created, deleted by a GroupWise administrator.  The ability to create and use these keys is already present in your existing GroupWise system.   The key must be provided to GWSK every time you start the GWSK Proxy, it does not persist this key in any form.   GWSK also offers IMAP over SSL.   If you are especially concerned, and don't trust even an SSL connection, remote access can be facilitated by VPN as well, providing another layer of encryption.

Q: How big is this key?  Is is easily guessable, or trivial?
A: The cyphertext of the key is approximately  70 - 80 characters - too big to be memorized by most people.   The Key is generated by GroupWise API calls and appear to be a bunch of random gibberish.

Q: Won't you know what our key is?   How do you protect them?
A: As mentioned above, once you purchase GWSK, you generate a key specific to your site.  You can create or delete these keys at any time.   The keys you generate are not communicated by GWSK to staff.   Only you and GroupWise know that the key is.  The value of the key is actually created by your GroupWise system, not GWSK code, the GWSK Manager merely tells you what the GroupWise generated key is.   GWSK Manager is not capable of network communications.   Since GroupWise generates the key, there is no possibility of reverse engineering of GWSK yielding some sort of magic key generation algorithm.  

Q: Does GWSK support clandestine snooping?
A:  Caveats:   GWSK can be used for clandestine snooping when used with a mail client capable of creating an off-line copy of  a mailbox.  GWSK also performs basic filtering and modification of actions that would result in mail deletion or modification of the "Seen" flag.   This conceals the fact that someone read previously unread mail, or "oops!" on the part of the person reading the mail.  Specifically a client that does not modify FLAGS and uses the PEEK methods for reading messages is the safest.   Thunderbird can be configured to create off line copies of mailboxes leaving the on-line mailbox unchanged.   Provided you never reconnect to the IMAP server, this off line mailbox can be poked and prodded, copied and so on without the on-line mailbox ever knowing.   This is NOT something you will want to entrust to non-technical staff, as it is very easy to accidentally set flags or delete messages - tipping your hand.  

Q: Does GWSK support clandestine duplication and subsequent viewing?
A: Yes.   Use of IMAPCopy is also a recommended means to flying under the radar.   Uou can use it to duplicate a users mailbox to an empty GroupWise account withouth their knowledge.   So you would prepare an empty GroupWise account to use when needed.   When executives management needs to inspect the mail you use GWSK and IMAPCopy to duplicate the accounts contents.   The executive can directly inspect mail in the duplicate account using the duplicate accounts password and ID via web access or GW client.   With this method you necer actually see the targets mail and its is safer for use by non-technical executives.  

Q: Does GWSK prevent modification of the on-line mailbox?
A:  We recently added some minimal level of protection against modifying flags when viewing on-line mailboxes.   This is NOT guranteed to work perfectly with every mail client and has been specifically tested with Thunderbird.   GWSK will provide minimal protection from modification of message flags due to reading or copying messages.   Use the -stealth command line option to start GWSKProxy.   We fully expect that as the GWSK project moves forward, from your support, that this will be come much more bullet proof, enabling non-technical staff to use the GWSKProxy in a clandestine manner.  

Q: Is there a demo?   Can I test GWSK?
A: Yes.   The demo version of the product lacks the Trusted Application Authentication capabilities ( essentially hard coded to start with -nogw ).  So for testing you will need to provide a password when prompted by the IMAP client.   However other than this, the demo allows you to test the usability of the GWSKProxy on your workstations, IMAP clients and GroupWise IMAP server.   You can try the -stealth option to see if that works to protect your on-line mailbox from being modified while reading mail.   You can also test setting up your IMAP client to create an off-line copy of a production or test mailbox.   Other than the IMAP server asking for a password, all the rest is the same.   Just e-mail us and we'll send you the demo.

Q: How do YOU recommand we use GWSK?
A: GWSK can be used in a variety of ways.   First of all, we recommend you test the impact of using GWSKProxy on a test account.   You will want to anticipate any problems long before you really need to use the GWSK.   The safest way to secure contents in a clandestine fashon is to create an off-line copy of the mailbox.   You can do this using your executive's workstation, and once you disable GWSKProxy, your executive can review / print the mailbox contents from this off line copy.   For remote access we suggest the following process: ahead of time, create an empty GroupWise account with no visibility.  Then you can use GWSKproxy to create the off-line mailbox, once complete copy the folders / contents to the empty account, now provide the executive with the login ID and password for the dummy account.   That can be done while both you and the executive are in remote locations.  As a last resort, you can provide the executive with direct access to the mailbox using GWSKProxy, of course ensure you have tested the -stealth option with the mail client you intend to use and give them instruction.   As GWSK evolves, the latter will become safer and more practical.

Q: Is GWSK some sort of hack or exploit?
A: No. GWSK is based on Novell published API's for GroupWise.   There are no modifications to your GroupWise agent or client applications.  It is completely a client side technology which uses existing features built into GroupWise

Q: Does GWSK support IMAP via SSL?
A: Of course.  Configure your GroupWise IMAP server to allow SSL connections as you would normally.   Just use the GWSKProxy in SSL mode.   All communications between your workstation and GroupWise will be encrypted, including your Trusted Application Key.   This allows GWSK to be used securely over the Internet.

Q: Can GWSK be used as a generic SSL proxy for IMAP clients that do not support SSL?
A: Yes.  GWSK can be used as a generic SSL tunnel.  But it is designed specifically for the purpose of facilitating access to GroupWise.   Again, GWSK Proxy is harmless without the trusted application key.   The GWSK Proxy must always present the credentials prior to gaining access to IMAP.

Q: Can I see address books and rules, and proxy settings?
A: No.   GWSK can only see what an IMAP client can see: mail and calendar items.   This is about the only thing you cannot do with GWSK.   If you really, really, really need these you should use another product.   But this limitation is more than made up for by other GWSK features.

Q: Can I delete, empty trash, or perform other operations on the mailbox?
A: Yes.   GWSK implements a IMAP proxy.   All operations you can perform via IMAP using regular authentication you can perform via GWSK Proxy.   This allows you to use GWSK Proxy to surgically remove contents from a user's mailbox, for example if a message were accidentally sent to the wrong user.

Q: Can I run GWSK Proxy on a central system or server?
A: No.  It must be run from the workstation that you run your IMAP client from.   You must not run the GWSK Proxy component from a server as this could allow an intruder to access your GroupWise mailboxes.

Q: Don't you think GWSK is morally repugnant?
A:  Well, frankly, yeah.   But the fact is that GWSK does not do anything you cannot already do.   Given a lot of time you can restore your PO to a parallel location and read a user's mail - it just take time and effort.   Given $2500 you can buy another solution.   So we did not open Pandora's box, Novell did that by extending the Trusted Application API.

Last Modified 11-28-2005
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